The girls at The Iconic Fashion Blog receive way too many emails daily. Emails which come from a variety of sources but still, emails nonetheless. And to just minimise that number of emails (at the moment, we have 1896 pending emails to answer, not just from today though), TIFB thought we'd give the advertisers some words of advice to take with them before they email us.

Here is our exclusive new advertising system which will expire on the 31st of December 2008 so we can get advertising for 2009 with a fabulous deal right now!

We used to accept cash for advertising however
only until the end of this year, we will accept
actual products* and merchandise* instead of cash and we will do complimentary video reviews which will be posted up on our website and our Youtube channel so there is extra coverage. It will stay online for 6 months or more depending on the consistency of the videos and products being sent it.

If interested, all you have to do is please email us with your website, brand name, products you specialise in etc. and we'll get back to you. If you are interested in a Banner, all we ask for instead are products sent to us monthly according to however many months you are interested in advertising with TIFB.

See? Easy.
PS: Another big thing happening next year are Iconic Fashion Blog Giveaways. If you are interested, let us know. This is really exciting!
* Products must be related to TIFB otherwise paid advertising is the only other option. TIFB will determine what is related and what is not. Fashion, accesory, cosmetics are all related industries.