Lower East Side bohemians, Boho campies, East Seventies campies etc. and Baby Jane Holzer
Tom Wolfe was the first to define the new trend in fashion and society.
Tom Wolfe was the first to define the new trend in fashion and society.

The alternative version of society had gone by several names-Smart Set in the 1910's, Cafe Society in the 1920's through 1950's, high bohemia in the 1930's and 1940's and now Wolfe detected yet another turn in the grand social wheel, the sixties debutantes cared little about appearing in the Social Register; they wanted to be seen in Eugenia Shepard's column, dancing in discotheques and wearing trendy boutique couture which Wolfe called "pariah fashion". It was born not in the bastions of wealth or traditional chic but in the black subculture even working-class from South Flordia and no one epitomized that particular kind of New York anything-goes glamour better that Holzer. In 1964 Tom Wolfe pronounced her "Girl of the Year".
My Hat goes off to Baby Jane who now lives in Flordia...love her hair in the picture!