Hundreds of face creams on the market, choosing the right one can be difficult. Read the label and check a few key ingredients that actually benefit the skin.
1. Ingredients

* Choose a face cream with an ingredient that has been shown to help the skin, such as retinol, alpha-hydroxy acids, coenzyme Q10, copper peptides, kinetin and tea extracts. For added benefit, squeeze a capsule of vitamin E in any moisturizer you buy.
Choose a sunscreen with
* The best thing you can do to your skin is to avoid

* When you start using a cream, you should continu

Remember that the cream does not work for someone else may work for you. Their age and skin type when choosing a cream.
Other ways to improve skin

* Other things affect the appearance of your skin, so do not rely solely on a skin cream. Exercise, eat well and avoid smoking also improve the appearance of your skin.